Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Girls' First Outing

Well, seeing as I have been in the house for the past 6 days. I decided to take the twins out on their first outing. The weather was much better and I thought that having lunch at Benbrook's Antique Mall would be a safe trip. I figured there wouldn't be too many sick people and it would be relatively quiet. So Reina, (my mom), Grandma, (Matt's mom), Grammies, (my mom's mom), Terry Grant and Kathy Spetch all went to lunch with us. The girls were very well behaved and everyone that saw them just gushed over them.

They were so tuckered towards the end of the outing but for some strange reason we got home and all they did was stay awake.

Here is a picture of Mylenn. Notice that she now has a double chin. They are starting to look like little chunky babies instead of our little "Benjamin Buttons."

We will be going in for a weight check on Monday. Hopefully they have gained weight and we won't have to wake them up every three hours to feed. But I don't really mind if we do because we are on a schedule. I will write on Monday what they weigh.

'Til next time.~

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