We finally have hair that is long enough to put up into little pigtails. But we don't really like it at ALL!!
Well folks, we made it through our first year of Day Care. It was the best experience with the exception of having to get tubes in & the biting. All in all I loved the girls being there. I know that they LOVED being there.
Summer is a bitter sweet time for me. Bitter b/c in a few months I know I have to return to work & sweet b/c I get to enjoy my girls EVERYDAY. I have set a goal to make sure I get out of the house at least once/day even if it is just to the park or on a walk. But it can get so HOT in Texas!!
Tubes ~ I know I said I would update right afterwards, but well you get it. Surgery went very well and now they are actually saying words. Mylenn tries to say whatever you pronounce, but Soryn could care less. She does say words, but only the ones she wants to.
A little about each girl.
Mylenn~ my sweet sweet Mylenn. She just likes to sit back and watch sister. If it seems like a good idea, then she will participate. She is very laid back for the most part. She does throw some tanturms, but what toddler doesn't. ;~)
Soryn~ my little daredevil. She is very stubborn. Don't try & help her with anything. She wants to do it herself. She is attached to a doll & a blanket. She likes the doll wrapped up in the blanket. I try & help her & she just throws the biggest tantrum. So I try not to help her with anything anymore. I write daredevil b/c she is one. She jumps off the couch, she climbs on the dinning room table. She definitely keeps me on my toes. They both do, but she is one firecracker. :~)
Both girls: They are so sweet to each other, well most of the time. (They do get in little fights.) But if one is upset, the other will make sure she gets her cup/blankie/toy. They are pretty good at sharing. I try to support that. If I give one a cracker, I make sure I tell that girl to go give one to her sister. And sure enough she will. I am not sure how long that will last, but I will take it.
Well, I guess I better go. I hear a child waking up.
It's summertime, so much to do so little time!!!
~'Til next time.
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